
Develop a GPS to better understand the biology of your disease

Build a custom knowledge graph tailored to your research needs. Answer complex biological questions with ease.

Why us?

We eliminate the pain points typically associated with knowledge graphs

Effortlessly integrate private multi-modal data. Prioritize data points according to scientific criteria that you care about. Leverage powerful ML models to eliminate implicit bias.


Curate a Custom Knowledge graph

The BioBox data platform is a data intelligence platform for scientists to autonomously curate, manage and leverage the power of a custom knowledge graph.

Effortless knowledge graph management

Object Detection - AI X+ Webflow Template

Automated data annotation

Hit the ground running with standard ontologies and pre-built data packages. Annotate samples with industry standard ontology properties to track important biological metadata.

Object Detection - AI X+ Webflow Template

Full flexibility and customization

This is not a one size fits all graph. Tailor all relationships and concepts to suite your research needs with an intuitive UI.

Seamless integration with existing systems

Automate Annotation - AI X+ Webflow Template

API Integrations

Stream in proprietary datasets via API or UI for team collaboration.

Smart Labels - AI X+ Webflow Template

Data asset for AI strategies

Develop a centralized data repository that scales with your team and can be used to facilitate ongoing AI strategies.


Battle test your hypothesis

A collaborative environment for teams to work seamlessly with multi-modal data. We provide the tools for scientists to generate, evaluate and share hypothesis with colleagues.

Prioritize and Rank Data points

Object Detection - AI X+ Webflow Template

Curate Graph Models

Curate lines of evidence that associate any two concepts within your graph. For example gene to disease, pathway to drug etc.

Object Detection - AI X+ Webflow Template

Evidence Prioritization Reports

Leverage graph models to generate data prioritization reports for the purpose of target characterization, indication selection and more.  

Eliminiate Implicit Biases

Automate Annotation - AI X+ Webflow Template

Run Graph Algorithims

Utilize graph modes to rank and prioritize data points without bias.

Smart Labels - AI X+ Webflow Template

Hypothesis Testing

Curate differential expression and single cell contrasts on the basis biological metadata from your knowledge graph.


Traverse your Graph With Ease

Explore your graph to identify complex relationships that typicaly remain fragmented across siloed data.

Explore Serendipitous Relationships

Object Detection - AI X+ Webflow Template

Relationship Modelling  

Annotate samples with industry standard ontology properties to track important biological metadata.

Object Detection - AI X+ Webflow Template

Team Collaboration

Explore hidden relationships between biological metadata and multi-omic observations. Share findings with team members.

Converse with your data

Automate Annotation - AI X+ Webflow Template

Query Language

Leverage properties annotated in your knowledge graph to ask complex biological questions.

Smart Labels - AI X+ Webflow Template

Data Driven Answers

Comprehensive answers derived directly from your graph.

Experience a new way to explore your data

Get answers based on evidence, not hallucinations